Unfortunately, by default, the Cost and Usage Report (CUR) that Tailwarden leverage to get you insights on costs, will only include data from the month you activate it. However, you can backfill this data by contacting AWS Support. Here's how:
Sign in to AWS Support Center as the root account owner or with appropriate IAM permissions.
Select "Account and Billing" under the "Quick solutions" page.
Click on "Create case" and choose:
Service: Billing
Category: Other Billing Questions
Severity: General question
Fill this information and update the values in bold/italic in the Description
Subject: Get historical data points in my CUR
Description: Dear AWS Support team, I hope you're doing well. I'm reaching out to request historical data points in our CUR. We would love to have data points starting from [DATE] in the S3 bucket [NAME OF THE S3 BUCKET]. Thanks in advance.
Tick "Opt-out from providing recommended fields."
Click on "Next steps," then "Next."
Choose your preferred contact method and submit.
You should be quickly contacted by the AWS support that will generate the CUR with historical data points for you. As soon as it's done, send an email to support@tailwarden.com and we will get this data for you in your workspace.